Sharing Our Stories

This school year feels particularly meaningful as Concord Hill celebrates 60 years of learning, growth, and connection. Our theme for the year, Sharing Our Stories, perfectly captures the spirit of this milestone. It’s about celebrating the past, embracing the present, and dreaming of tomorrow.

I chose this theme because, at its heart, Concord Hill is a place of connection—where relationships, experiences, and learning come together to create something truly special. Over the past 60 years, it’s these connections—between students, families, and educators—that have defined who we are. Our stories are the threads that weave our community together, each one adding depth and meaning. By sharing them, we not only celebrate our individual journeys but also strengthen the fabric of Concord Hill, ensuring it continues to grow and thrive for generations to come.

Book Cover for Bob Raczka's Book You Are A Story

Recently, I shared a wonderful book with our students called You Are a Story by Bob Raczka. It’s a book that reflects the journey we are all on together. I’d like to share the final pages with you here:

“You are one-of-a-kind. Even if you are a twin, there is no one exactly like you. There never has been another you. You are the only you that will ever be. You cannot be copied. You are unique. You are special. You are a story. You are the author of your life. Every day is a blank page waiting for you to fill it. Make your story funny. Make it interesting. Make it an adventure. Tell your story to others. Then listen to theirs.”

This sentiment beautifully reflects what we aim to nurture in our students—encouraging them to share their stories and listen to the stories of those around them.

For me, Concord Hill is defined by a journey of curiosity, and I’d like to share one of my favorite CHS stories, which captures what this community means to me. I’ve titled it The Journey of Curiosity: Nurturing Wonder at Concord Hill.

One crisp fall morning, as I stood on carpool duty, a third grader bounded up to me, his eyes sparkling with excitement. In his hand, he held a large leaf, and on it crawled an impressive four-inch caterpillar. His enthusiasm was contagious as he eagerly shared his discovery with his classmates on the playground, embodying the curiosity we cultivate at Concord Hill.

When it was time to go inside, he returned to me with a hopeful look, asking if he could show his new find to his buddy in Primary. Of course, I said yes. This simple act of sharing demonstrated the care and connection that are at the heart of our community. The Primary class was abuzz with wonder at the sight of the caterpillar. They quickly started researching, discovering it was an imperial caterpillar. Plans for the day were set aside as the class dove into measuring and learning about their new guest, exemplifying the dynamic and responsive learning environment we strive to create.

They found out that the caterpillar would form a chrysalis and spend the winter in that form. Determined to care for it, the Primary class set up a small tank with soil and leaf cover, and for days that turned into weeks, then months, they observed and cared for the caterpillar, ensuring the soil stayed moist. Their dedication and patience reflected the perseverance and courage we aim to inspire in our students.

Then, during the last week of school in June, a student’s joyful cry rang out: “It came out!” The class gathered around to see a magnificent imperial moth, nearly eight months after the third grader first brought the caterpillar to school.

This story is a testament to the values and beliefs that guide us at Concord Hill. It illustrates how a moment of curiosity can spark a journey of exploration and discovery, leading to profound personal and academic growth. The care shown by the third grader in sharing his discovery, the connection fostered between older and younger students, the curiosity driving the Primary class’s research, and the courage and patience they exhibited in nurturing the caterpillar—all reflect the essence of our mission.

At Concord Hill, we believe in nurturing relationships and fostering a love for learning that goes beyond the classroom. Each day, we see our students grow as lifelong learners, supported by a community that values and cultivates their curiosity. This story, with its simple beginnings and remarkable conclusion, embodies the spirit of Concord Hill, where learning and growing together are at the core of who we are.

This year, I invite everyone in our community to share your stories—stories of how Concord Hill has impacted your children and your family. Through these shared experiences, we will continue to strengthen the bonds that make Concord Hill such a unique and nurturing place for all of us.
