Social Emotional & Academic Learning

Smiling boys on blue slide
Girl drawing around hand of boy on brown paper

Consider the people in your life whom you most admire. Do they know how to relate well to others and develop meaningful relationships? Do they demonstrate care for themselves, their communities, and the world around them? Are they optimistic, curious, and flexible? Are they people who can reason and have the courage to take risks and solve problems? Can they integrate information from a range of perspectives? Are they confident in themselves?

These qualities anchor the social, emotional, and character development work Concord Hill prides itself on integrating across the curriculum and throughout the school day. Whether it be building relationships as a class buddy, helping develop the class’s charter, or engaging in collaborative problem solving, the notions of respect and care for oneself and others, belonging, and collective well-being are inherent in everything we do.

As part of our SEAL approach, students build their social competence, learn to engage others of all ages, know when to ask for help, learn to resolve conflicts, practice flexible thinking skills, and develop resiliency. They develop the ability to connect ideas, take risks, benefit from mistakes, grow in their empathy, and become life-long learners.

Students graduate from Concord Hill with a mindset that embraces lifelong learning, an authentic care for the collective well-being of their community, and the skills necessary to navigate and adapt to any challenge.

Fostering Leadership

At Concord Hill, every child learns that they have a voice and that their voice matters. From an early age, students understand the concept of agency and learn that anyone can choose to be a leader in their own life and in the lives of others. This leadership development is woven throughout the Concord Hill program and across all grade levels.

Starting in Second Grade, students have a weekly Leadership class taught by the Head of School, adapted from Leader in Me, a program developed by FranklinCovey Education. This class teaches the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, along with other essential life skills. Third Grade students continue with weekly Leadership classes and embrace special leadership responsibilities, from walking the youngest students to class each morning to leading weekly Community Meetings. Students graduate from Concord Hill with the identity, skills, and habits of a leader.